Capacity building
in the age of disruption

Young people

A Geneva-based Association.

We live in an age of disruption that brings about great opportunities and potential threats.

We live in an age of disruption that brings about great opportunities and potential threats.

We are a group of young people

taking control of our narrative

by empowering ourselves and others to be more resilient to this fast-paced societal change, thereby taking an active role in shaping society.


AZUNI believes in the necessity to open young people’s eyes to the challenges lying ahead. We achieve this through a variety of public events — some addressing 4.0 advancements per se, others depicting the impact emerging technologies are having on society.


AZUNI is not just a non-profit. We are a community of technologically-aware students, young professionals, and entrepreneurs. What unifies us is our most sincere and fiery desire to dedicate our life to making the world better and more durable for all.


AZUNI puts a lot of emphasis on hands-on training and project development. We are proud to lead and be part of concrete projects; capitalizing on the fresh, competent and innovative minds of our Fellows to bring about out of the box solutions to key societal challenges.


AZUNI believes in the necessity to open young people’s eyes to the challenges lying ahead. We achieve this through a variety of public events — some addressing 4.0 advancements per se, others depicting the impact emerging technologies are having on society.


AZUNI is not just a non-profit. We are a community of technologically-aware students, young professionals, and entrepreneurs. What unifies us is our most sincere and fiery desire to dedicate our life to making the world better and more durable for all.


AZUNI puts a lot of emphasis on hands-on training and project development. We are proud to lead and be part of concrete projects; capitalizing on the fresh, competent and innovative minds of our Fellows to bring about out-of-the-box solutions to key societal challenges.

23 - 27 NOVEMBRE | Semaine des droits humains

Les Geneva Human Rights Talks (GHRT) ouvriront à nouveau la Semaine des droits humains – UNIGE, laquelle se déroulera en modalité virtuelle du 23 au 27 novembre.

AZUNI Initiative, Foraus, AESPRI et Amnesty UNIGE vous proposent une série d’entretiens interactifs avec quatre personnalités qui œuvrent au quotidien pour le respect des droits humains dans autant de domaines différents, de la protection des données personnelles à la question des prisonniers politiques, de la discrimination ethnique au racisme institutionnel.

Paul-Olivier Dehaye, Lakhdar Boumediene, Jewher Ilham et Rokhaya Diallo partageront leurs expériences et leur regard personnel autour du thème « Les droits humains à la croisée des chemins », tout en s’engageant avec le public au cours de leurs interventions.

En savoir plus...

Since our creation
in September 2018:


Ongoing collaborations




Events organized


Team members



Supported by

Our GOLD sponsor

Want to sponsor AZUNI ? do not hesitate to contact us.


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